331 research outputs found

    Delivery Performance Improvement Using Six Sigma Method: A Case Study At Fmc Agricultural Manufacturing

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    PT. FMC is a manufacturing company in producing pesticides and classified into 3 herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. The use of pesticides is very important to maintain the quality of the crop, the delivery of products may not be late because it will disrupt the consumer production chain but unfortunately PT. FMC delivery performance has a big issue, delivery is an important metric because influences to customer satisfaction. This research focuses on how companies are able to identify problems, analyze and solve these problems using the Six Sigma methodology. The method is used because the method has a cycle of how companies solve a problem that can disrupt business processes. And the results of research in finding problems in this business process are (1) problems triggered by delays in the arrival of material both raw material and packaging material. (2) the customer delays delivery several times (3) the Warehouse Leader is late in inputting data and Post Goods Issue


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    Pemilihan model, strategi, dan media belajar dalam pembelajaran pendidikan formal, harus dipertimbangkan untuk menghindari dampak negatif emosional kepada peserta didik, agar siswa lebih tertarik kepada materi pembelajaran. Inovasi serta kreativitas diperlukan untuk mewujudkan atmosfer pembelajaran yang menarik. Permasalahan yang dialami oleh guru selama proses pembelajaran pekerjaan kontruksi tanah di SMK Negeri 3 Boyolangu adalah terbatasnya inovasi model pembelajaran dan keterbatasan media belajar yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman belajar serta motivasi peserta didik. Berasas pada permasalahan-permasalahan di atas, maka solusi untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut perlu dikembangkan perangkat pembelajaran beriorentasi model pembelajaran CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning) dan media animasi. Rumusan massalah pada penelitian ini adalah (1) kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran kontruksi tanah berorientasi model CTL, (2) kelayakan media animasi. Tujuan penelitian adalah (1) menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran kontruksi tanah berorientasi model CTL ,dan (2) media animasi yang layak digunakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian pengembangan (development research) dengan menerapkan model  4D. Subjek penelitian ini ialah perangkat pembelajaran dan media animasi. Perangkat pembelajaran dan media animasi yang akan dihasilkan divalidasi oleh dosen Teknik Sipil Unesa dan guru SMK Negeri 3 Boyolangu. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, diperoleh nilai validasi silabus mendapat nilai validasi 95%, RPP 92%, dan materi 93% dengan kriteria sangat valid atau layak digunakan. Validasi media animasi dilakukan dengan memperhatikan komponen kualitas, tampilan media ,materi dan ilustrasi ,kemudian  divalidasi dan mendapat nilai sebesar 91% dengan kriteria sangat valid atau layak digunakan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa telah dihasilkan perangkat pembelajaran kontruksi tanah berorientasi model CTL dengan berbantuan media animasi yang layak digunakan pada proses pembelajaran. Kata kunci : CTL, Validitas, Media Animas

    Consumer Attitude Toward the Issue of Selling Beef Mixed with Boar Meat (Sus sucrofa) and the Intention to Purchase of Meat Consumers in Yogyakarta

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    Abstract. This research was aimed to explain the relationship between cognitive, affective and conative combined into the attitude components with the intention to purchase against the issue of mixed beef and boar meatselling in Yogyakarta. The sample of location was at Beringharjo market in which the issues of selling beef and boar meat was established. The research used survey method with interview and questionnaire whose validity and reliability had been proven. The sample of respondents was 80 buyers selected by purposive sampling method. The data were statistically tabulated and analyzed using Chi-square and Phi analyses. The results showed that most of the attitude components i.e. cognitive, affective and conative were classified in favorable category implying that the respondents were responsive and active to look for the information regarding the issue. There was dependent relationship between attitude of the respondents toward the mixed beef and boar meat selling and the intention to purchase it with weak relationship (Phi coefficient of 0.354). It was concluded that consumers’ attitude on the issue of circulation of beefmix with boar meat was to behave more consciously about the truth of the issue and to be worried about the mixed meat.Key Words: consumer’s attitude, purchasing intention, meat consumerAnimal Production 13(3):173-179 (2011


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    Harimurti Kridalaksana holds that language development is an effort to strengthen the use of language among people who have mastered it by deepening their knowledge and insight about the language, and increasing their positive attitude towards it. Kridalaksana's view can be applied in the Indonesian context. Efforts to foster language on Indonesian have been carried out through two channels, namely the legal sector and the non-legal sector. The legal sector includes the issuance of Law Number 24 of 2009 concerning Flags, Languages, and National Emblems, as well as the National Anthem and Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 57 of 2014 concerning the Development, Development and Protection of Language and Literature, and Improvement of Indonesian Language Functions. Furthermore, the non-legal field includes Indonesian language learning in basic education units, secondary education, tertiary education, and equality education programs, language socialization through the brochure on Language Information Sheets, Communication Sheets, and social media related to standard and non-standard forms, in accordance with the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) Online. The last thing that is widely used by young people, especially millennials, in absorbing any information, including about language


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    Dalam pembangunan fisik infrastruktur tiap daerah cenderung memanfaatkan sumberalam yang digunakan sebagai bahan bangunan yang merupakan salah satu dampak dari OtonomiDaerah (otoda). Sehingga penggunaan material bahan bangunan akan berdampak pada padakualitas maupun umur bangunan khususnya beton struktur. Permasalahan yang cukup menarikyaitu layakkah bahan bangunan yang menggunakan material pasir dan kerikil lokal di kabupatenSumenep sebagai bahan bangunan struktur.Oleh sebab itu, mutu bahan agregat dapat ditentukan antara lain dengan komposisikimia, petrografik, klasifikasi, berat jenis, kekuatan, ketahanan, porositas dan lain-lain. Untukdapat mengetahui mutu vahan, maka harus memenuhi standart kualitas antara lain: standartASTM, SNI dan British Standart dan lain sebagainya.Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan di laboraturium diambil suatu rekomendasi antaralain: Bahan bangunan kerikil dan pasir hanya dapat digunakan untuk kontruksi: a). perlu diadakanpencucian agar bahan tersebut bersih b). Dan lebih baik sebelum menggunakan bahan bangunanagar dapat memenuhi peryaratan, harus dilakukan uji laboraturiu


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    Pendidikan di Indonesia saat ini sedang mengalami perubahan pembelajaran yang mengharuskan peserta didik melakukan kegiatan belajar secara online, salah satunya di SMK Negeri 1 Madiun. Hal ini membuat peserta didik memerlukan sebuah media pembelajaran yang dapat dipelajari secara mudah, menarik, dan ringkas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Menghasilkan sebuah produk media pembelajaran berupa E-Handout yang layak digunakan, dan (2) Mengetahui respon peserta didik setelah diberikannya media tersebut pada mata pelajaran Perencanaan Bisnis Konstruksi dan Properti, materi Perencanaan Tenaga Kerja di SMK Negeri 1 Madiun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode 4D dengan 4 tahapan yang dimiliki yaitu (1) Pendefinisian, (2) Perancangan, (3) Pengembangan, dan (4) Penyebaran. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, hingga penyebaran angket terhadap pihak terkait, yang pada hal ini adalah dosen Teknik Sipil UNESA beserta guru yang bersangkutan di SMK Negeri 1 Madiun sebagai validator perangkat pembelajaran untuk menguji kelayakan silabus, RPP, dan media pembelajaran berupa  E-Handout, sedangkan untuk respon peserta didik sendiri akan diisi oleh peserta didik siswi kelas XI BKP SMK Negeri 1 Madiun, 30 peserta didik berasal dari XI BKP 1 dan 28 peserta didik dari XI BKP 2. Hasil analisis data, diperoleh persentase 81.54% untuk uji validasi silabus yang masuk pada kriteria sangat valid, 82.31% untuk uji validasi RPP yang masuk pada kriteria sangat valid, 75. 45% untuk uji validasi materi yang masuk pada kriteria valid, dan 85.29% untuk uji validasi media yaitu E-Handout yang masuk pada kriteria sangat valid sesuai dengan interval skala penilaian. Hasil akhir respon peserta didik sendiri memperoleh nilai persentase nilai 79.27% dari kelas XI BKP 1 dan 83.21% dari kelas XI BKP 2, dengan rata-rata akhir 80.59% yang masuk pada kriteria baik sesuai dengan interval skala penilaian. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran berupa E-Handout layak digunakan dalam kegaiatan pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: E-Handout, Respon Peserta didik, Validasi

    Carcass Quality, Non-Carcass Component and Meat Cholesterol of Kacang Goat Fed with Fermented Cocoa Shell

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    The experiment was conducted to investigate carcass quality, non-carcass component and meat cholesterol content of Kacang goat fed with fermented cocoa shell (FCS). Materials used in the experiment consisted of 9 male Kacang goat (6 - 9 months of age and ± 18,67 kg of body weight), corn straw, rice bran and FCS using three types of starters. The goat was divided into 3 groups of FCS fermentation of cocoa shell were carried out using 3 types of starters, i.e. cocoa shell fermentation 1) without additional starter (WAS FCS), 2) with Bioplus (Bioplus FCS, 3) with burger feed sauce (BFS FCS). All goats were fed corn straw and rice bran amounting to 70% and FCS amounting to 30% for 2 months. They were then slaughtered at Majeluk Slaughterhouse, Lombok. The data of carcass quality, non-carcass component, cholesterol content, and marbling were collected. The results showed that the carcass quality and non carcass component of Kacang goat were not significantly different among the feed treatments. However, the cholesterol content of meat was significantly different among the feed treatments (P<0.05). The average of carcass percentage, backfat thickness, rib eye area, fleshing index, cholesterol content and marbling of Kacang goat fed WAS FCS were 47.69%, 1.68 mm, 29.01cm2, 0.85%, 30.13 mg/100g, and 0.16%; fed Bioplus FCS were 48.67%, 1.80 mm, 30.79 cm2, 0.91%, 34.96 mg/100g and 0.05%; fed BFS FCS were 48.02%, 1.74 mm, 29.90 cm2, 0.77%, 31.88 mg/100g, and 0.11%, respectively. Non-carcass component of Kacang goat was not significantly different among the feed treatments, it was 42.41±0.064% in average. Cholesterol content of meat of Kacang goat differed among the feed treatments (P<0.05). Kacang goat fed WAS FCS had the lowest cholesterol content (30.13 mg/100 g). It could be concluded that Kacang goat fed ration containing fermented cocoa shell with several starters produced similar carcass quality and non carcass component. However, FCS without additional starter resulted in lower cholesterol content of meat

    Permasalahan Dan Pengembangan Angkutan Umum Di Kota Surabaya

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    Public transport is very important to support community activities. Problems that occur on public transport in the City of Surabaya are the condition of the fleet, infrastructure, passengers, regulators, and operators, including the driver and the company. Collecting data in this study is done by on-board and off-board surveys, interviews, and questionnaires. Data were analyzed using fish bone and descriptive analysis. Fleet operating conditions show that the frequency of the service is not good, the average headway is greater than 10 minutes, and a low load factor. Reasons for selecting the mode that mentioned most by AC bus users are facilities, safety, and cleanliness. As for the economic bus users, the reasons to select the bus are directly to the destination, inexpensive, and adequate bus driver behavior. To accommodate the needs of the user groups some improvements are needed to the operating fleet, service system, as well as operational and financial management by integrating all existing interests. Angkutan umum sangat penting untuk mendukung aktivitas masyarakat. Masalah yang terjadi pada angkutan umum di Kota Surabaya adalah kondisi armada, infrastruktur atau prasarana, penumpang, regulator, dan operator, termasuk sopir dan Perusahaan. Pengumpulan data pada studi ini dilakukan dengan cara on-board dan off-board survey, wawancara, dan kuesionair. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode fish bone dan analisis deskriptif. Kondisi operasional armada menunjukkan frekuensi layanan yang kurang baik, waktu antara rata-rata lebih besar dari 10 menit, dan load factor yang rendah. Alasan pemilihan moda yang paling diperhatikan penumpang pengguna Bis AC adalah fasilitas, keamanan, dan kebersihan. Sedangkan bagi pengguna bis ekonomi adalah langsung ke tempat tujuan, murah, dan pelayanan sopir yang memadai. Untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan kedua kelompok pengguna tersebut diperlukan perbaikan-perbaikan terhadap armada yang beroperasi, sistem pelayanan, serta manajemen operasional dan keuangan dengan mengintegrasikan semua kepentingan yang ada

    Penggantian Bungkil Kedelai dengan Ampas Susu Kedelai dalam Pakan: Pengaruhnya pada Kinerja Pertumbuhan dan Kualitas Daging Ayam Broiler

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    Enam puluh ekor ayam broiler jantan digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggantian tepung bungkil kedelai (SBM) dengan ampas susu kedelai (SMW) dengan menggunakan kinerja pertumbuhan, rasio efisiensi protein-energi, serta kualitas fisik daging sebagai respon kriteria yang diamati. Ayam mendapatkan pakan kontrol (SMW-0), atau pakan kontrol dengan penggantian ampas susu kedelai sebanyak 5% (SMW-1), 10% (SMW-2), dan 15% (SMW-3). Setiap perlakuan diberikan replikasi 3 kali, masing-masing dengan 5 ekor ayam per replikasi. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis statistik menggunakan Oneway ANOVA, yang dilanjutkan dengan Duncan’s new Multiple Range Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggantian SBM dengan SMW tidak mempengaruhi konsumsi protein dan energi, konsumsi pakan, maupun rasio efisiensi energi. Akan tetapi, penggantian 10% SMW meningkatkan (P<0,05) rasio efisiensi protein, pertambahan bobot badan, dan bobot potong ayam, sehingga nilai konversi pakan turun (P<0,05). Nilai pH daging, daya ikat air, susut masak, maupun keempukan daging tidak terpengaruh oleh penggantian 5-15% SMW

    Consumer Attitude Toward the Issue of Selling Beef Mixed with Boar Meat (Sus Sucrofa) and the Intention to Purchase of Meat Consumers in YOGYAKARTA

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    . This research was aimed to explain the relationship between cognitive, affective and conative combined into the attitude components with the intention to purchase against the issue of mixed beef and boar meatselling in Yogyakarta. The sample of location was at Beringharjo market in which the issues of selling beef and boar meat was established. The research used survey method with interview and questionnaire whose validity and reliability had been proven. The sample of respondents was 80 buyers selected by purposive sampling method. The data were statistically tabulated and analyzed using Chi-square and Phi analyses. The results showed that most of the attitude components i.e. cognitive, affective and conative were classified in favorable category implying that the respondents were responsive and active to look for the information regarding the issue. There was dependent relationship between attitude of the respondents toward the mixed beef and boar meat selling and the intention to purchase it with weak relationship (Phi coefficient of 0.354). It was concluded that consumers\u27 attitude on the issue of circulation of beefmix with boar meat was to behave more consciously about the truth of the issue and to be worried about the mixed meat
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